Welcome to my blog!

This blog is created to keep all of you up to date with the latest fashion, hair, make-up and trends. So who am I? I am a workaholic, shopaholic, fashion-obsessed girl, who has studied the art of styling around the world. I currently own and run one of the hottest hair salons in Scandinavia, Vogue in Bergen. Join me on this wild ride of fashion...

04 December 2008

I phone!!

Apple I Phone- wait for it or not? Du ser Paris Hilton ny telefon hver dag ,Iphone er det nye, ønsker meg til jul ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Digger Paris!
Jeg skal kjøpe Iphone neste år ;) Da får telenor det. Men Paris har en blackberry nå for tiden tror jeg :p hehe